Knowledge of the personal data that you consensually disclose to us during the realization of your purchases through our online store is received exclusively by us and no disclosure of this to any third party.

Exceptionally, we reserve the right to disclose the information to the extent permitted and permitted by law to any competent public, judicial, fiscal, secure or any other authority or service, concerning the current or future legal proceedings for the purpose of exercising any our law.

In this section we inform you about the process and policy of personal data retention, which is followed in our history, in order to ensure compliance with our legal proposals arising from the retention and deletion of personal data.

Personal data is not kept by us for a period longer than is necessary for the purpose of their collection and processing. At the same time, we inform you that we will retain the documents, including the electronic ones, which are personal data to the extent that they contain this by law, if it is judged that the documents could be used in a legal process, which aims at consolidation, exercise or defending our legal rights.

We declare that our website takes all the necessary and legally prescribed precautions at a technical and organic level, in order to prevent the loss, theft, misuse or alteration of your personal data.

The personal data provided by you and collected by us, is stored through secure and password protected and security wall servers.

You acknowledge that the transmission of information over the Internet is inherently insecure and that we cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted over the Internet.

You have the responsibility to keep your password secret and confidential and not to disclose it to third parties. Our company will never ask you for the announcement in that of your password, except for the entry in our website.

In case a member wishes to be deleted from our databases, he should send us an email at ______________ with the subject “DELETE A MEMBER”, informing us of his relevant request, which we will satisfy immediately upon receipt of the relevant message.

order cancellation
You can, after completing your order and before sending it from our store, cancel it in whole or in part, by contacting us by phone at the phone number listed on our website or by sending an email to our email address ____________________________________. After the shipment of your order, there is no possibility of cancellation and in case you do not wish the products, you should return them, based on what is provided in our political returns. In case of non-sale of one or more of the products of your order, you will inform us by phone